29 August 2023 / AUTO ELETTRICHE

Electric car registrations: data and forecasts

Current trends in electric car registrations

Electric car registrations (BEVs) in Italy remain among the lowest in Europe. From January to July 2023, the market share was 3.82% or 36,778 units. Up 29.63% on the same period in 2022 (when 3.56%, 28,372 units). In July 2023, registrations were 4,094 (+13.8%). Leading the sales are, in order, the Tesla Model Y and 3 and the Fiat 500e.

According to Acea data, the EU average of electric car registrations in the first half of 2023 was 12.9% (over 700,000 units, +53.8% trend). And 14.2% including the UK, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. In June 2023, registrations of electric cars in the EU exceeded diesel cars for the first time (market share 15.1%, +66.2%).

Future projections on electric car registrations

There will be just over 200,000 electric cars on the road in Italy in mid-2023 (203,873 units). And no significant increases are expected.

According to BloombergNEF’s Economic Transition Scenario, 730 million electric passenger vehicles will circulate worldwide in 2040, the market for recharging infrastructure between 2022 and 2050 will be worth USD 1.9 trillion, demand for oil for road transport will peak in 2027, annual demand for lithium will increase 22-fold between 2022 and 2050 (Net Zero Scenario).

Impact of government policies on electric car registrations

Gli incentivi dell’Ecobonus 2022 per auto elettriche e plug-in non hanno avuto molto successo. Sono rimasti inutilizzati circa 300 milioni di euro sul totale plafond di 700 milioni. Nel 2023 non sta andando meglio. A giugno 2023 risultano prenotati solo il 16,7% dei fondi destinati ai clienti privati per le BEV e il 5,49% per le plug-in. Più alta invece la domanda da parte di società di car sharing e autonoleggio.

Per spingere le vendite di auto elettriche, oltre alla questione prezzi, fondamentale è la diffusione delle infrastrutture di ricarica. Secondo Motus-e, in Italia ci sono oggi oltre 400mila dispositivi privati (+700% rispetto al 2021) e 45mila in aree pubbliche (+80% tendenziale nel primo semestre 2023 rispetto al 2022). Fondamentale, per Motus-e, l’utilizzo delle risorse PNRR in linea con gli obiettivi del PNIEC, superando le criticità della prima gara pubblica per l’extra urbano.


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