8 June 2023 / IMPRESE

How much renewable energy matters in Italy: data and forecasts

The Italian energy landscape

Renewable energy in Italy met 31.3 percent of national electricity demand in the first four months of 2023 (Terna data), which declined overall to 100,780 GWh (-4.1 percent over 2022, -2.2 percent over 2021). 50.3% was met by generation from nonrenewable energy sources, the remaining 18.4% from the foreign balance.
Thus, the same share as in 2022 (31.1%), when production from renewable energy sources in Italy fell to 98.4 TWh (-13% over 2021). The main reason for the drop in 2022 was the 37.7% drop, due to drought, compared to 2021 in hydro generation, which fell below the 10% share.
Looking instead at the most recent monthly figure, in April 2023 (the May Terna Report will be published after mid-June) the share of generation from renewables was 36.5 percent, still down 2.8 percent from April 2022. Decreasing among renewables compared to 12 months earlier was the contribution from wind generation (-9.5 percent) and hydro (-6.9 percent), while solar power generation increased by 9.3 percent in the same period.

The importance of renewable energy

Renewable energy is considered crucial in the Italian and European strategy for strengthening energy resilience. As EY Ernst & Young’s 60th RECAI report (Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index) indicates, there are three major priorities: consolidating renewable energy production; accelerating source diversification; and increasing storage.

Data and forecasts on renewable energy in Italy

The operating capacity of renewable energy plants in Italy increased by 1501 MW in the first four months of 2023, 820 MW (+120%) higher than in 2022 (Terna data). And the IEA (International Energy Agency) predicts that in Italy from 2022 to 2027 the installed capacity of renewable energy will increase by 25 GW (in the same period in the world: 2400 new GW). Main driver will be photovoltaics, led by utility projects.


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